
Request a free trial and ask Nelson 10 questions.

Or inquire about a purchase.

Seats Term Price* Level Help Curate** Bespoke Report***
1 30 days USD950 Individual No No
1 90 days USD2250 Individual No No
1 Annual USD6000 Individual Yes No
2-4 Annual USD6000 Corporate Yes .5/seat/month
5-10 Annual USD6000 Enterprise Yes 1/seat/month
10+ Annual Custom Custom Custom Custom

Please write us directly to inquire about purchasing one or several licenses.


*Price: all fees paid upfront, Net30. Pay with CC or wire transfer. If you are an independent journalist covering Latin America, a student or work for an NGO, please contact us directly. We want to support your work.

**Help Curate: Your team may offer public documents and other open domain or data sources for the Nelson curation team to consider for adding to Nelson. Southern Pulse reserves the right to not use shared material.

***Bespoke Report: When Nelson doesn’t quite get you what you need, your team may request a limited number of OSINT-based reports every 30 days. Corporate offering is calculated at one report per two seats/month. Enterprise is one report per seat per month. All OSINT reports will be delivered to you directly, and added to the Nelson database.

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If you value expertise over guesswork, you are in the right place. Every response is backed by verifiable sources, ensuring you always know where your knowledge comes from.

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