
Nelson is the first second-screen research companion for professionals focused on Latin America. 

Nelson exclusively leverages a curated dataset when answering your questions. This means he will share all of his sources with you; he will tell you when he doesn’t know the answer; and, he will try to be as helpful as possible within the boundaries of his knowledge base.

As a research companion, Nelson has been designed by the Southern Pulse team to help you with in-depth research on topics pertaining to geopolitics, human security, macro and micro economics, climate change, finance and more. Like Southern Pulse, Nelson is focused exclusively on Latin America.

Nelson has been trained on 20 years of Southern Pulse proprietary data. His daily diet of news, analysis, and in-depth reporting has been curated by a team of journalists, academic researchers and analysts who have decades of experience helping others understand Latin America and its people. Nelson gives you a single point of engagement to benefit from the entire body of work, people and sources for Latin America that Southern Pulse trusts.

Nelson’s curation team is led by Jesús Urbina, an Open Data specialist, journalism professor, editor for Southern Pulse’s mis- and disinformation team, and a 40-year veteran of observing and analysing Latin American politics, economics, migration and security. 

Southern Pulse’s Director of Research, Nicolás Prados, and his research and analysis team supports Jesús with document sourcing and approval. Nico, who earned a PhD in history from Oxford, leads the “SP Response” team that conducts the open source research to fill Nelson’s knowledge gaps. Southern Pulse Director of Operations, Cate Klemme, leads market-facing efforts to ensure Nelson meets the growing research demands of Southern Pulse’s corporate, NGOs, and finance sector client base. 

Nelson is the brainchild of Southern Pulse founder and investigative journalist, Samuel Logan, a twice-published author, seasoned public security and geopolitics analyst, and recognized speaker and private intelligence professional. For over 20 years, Sam has helped Global 1000 executives succeed in Latin America through a ground-up approach to sourcing information to develop knowledge and understanding of Latin America and its people.

Nelson brings you all of this experience and trust via a simple interface that will quickly become the first stop for any professional, academic, or personal online research in Latin America. Nelson is available through a limited release of 30 and 90 day licenses. He is also available through a limited number of annual licenses, offered for single- or mutli-seat engagements.

Sign up to request a seat. Your free trial includes 25 questions. A member of the Southern Pulse operations team will be in touch within hours of your request, Monday through Friday, 0900-1700 local in Buenos Aires (GMT-3).

Experience Nelson for yourself.

Sign up for a trial and access a research tool built on curated sources, historical depth, and analytical precision.

If you value expertise over guesswork, you are in the right place. Every response is backed by verifiable sources, ensuring you always know where your knowledge comes from.

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